Saturday, July 2, 2011

You Alone are God

Thought for the morning, You Alone are God, and I surrender.  Kari Jobe sings it well, and it's the story of my life.  It took me way too long to figure this one out and I still teeter between what I should do and what I should let God do on a daily basis.  Let God.  It sounds ridiculous to even say that.  It's more about getting out of God's way...

Being a do-er and not a wait-er pretty much sums me up.  I have a passion inside of me to push beyond boundaries, normal, average.  It's probably why Philippians 3:14 is my favorite verse and the namesake for my photography biz.  It says, "I will press on toward the goal to win the prize for which the Lord God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." I get the PRESS ON part and thank God that I don't have to do that alone, but its the direction I go that is so much better when I leave it to God.  Ever feel like one of those hamsters in a wheel, just going and going but not getting anywhere??  Yah, that's what I'm talking about.  Ideas, goals, passion, inspiration, all good things.  God just has an amazing way of using those gifts in a more productive satisfying way.

So, as I zigzag down my life's path, I pray that my steps become more focused on the straight path He's laid out for me.  I'm thinking it might save me time and quite a bit of energy.  :D  I surrender my life to you God.  It's yours anyway, and in my experience you have a way better plan for it than I could think of anyway.  Amen.

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