I was reading through a very old journal of mine recently and reminded of years of excitement and sorrow. It was a roller coaster of relationship highs and lows. One extreme to the other. Oh God, I'm so in love to Oh God, I'm miserable and ashamed. I wish I could say that I learned my lesson along the way and didn't repeat the patterns of failure over and over, but I can't. I got wrapped up in the emotion of the moment and carried away by my feelings. I even reference on one occasion that it had to be God's will because it felt so good. Although I still make poor decisions in life sometimes I can say that there is a substantial difference between the old journal I read through to my current journal. I noticed that in the last few years of really seeking after God, my life is less like a roller coaster and more like a bumpy road. My entrees are less about my emotions and more about others and how I can be a help to them. It's less about other's actions in my life and how that effects my emotions and more about MY actions and how that effects my emotions. As I was praying and reflecting this morning, God gave me this parable. My hope is by sharing it, you get to avoid years of roller coaster journal entries riddled with pain and disappointment.
One day you decide that you want to take a walk from Elmore City to Pauls Valley. You are soo excited to take the journey. The conditions and everything involved appear to be perfect and everything you could ever want. You talk to God and tell him your desires and decide that today is the day you are taking off. Meanwhile God is whispering “wait, I'll prepare you for the trip” but you can't hear him over the excitement of your heart. You take off on your trip and at first everything is wonderful. The weather is perfect, the conditions are ideal and it seems like it's going to be the best trip ever. But as you travel on, obstacles begin to pop up. You begin to get hungry and realize you didn't bring any food. You veer off of the path to find the food you need to continue. Later it begins to rain and you realize you didn't bring anything to shelter you. Throughout the trip that should have taken you a day, and now will take closer to a week, you cry out to God for help.
By the time you arrive in Pauls Valley you are exhausted, beat up, and hungry. You regret ever taking the trip. Sadly, if you are like me, soon another beautiful day appears and the thought of taking another trip occurs to you. God whispers “wait and I will prepare you for the trip” but you are wrapped up in the emotion of the moment and take off. The pattern continues and continues until you finally reach a place that causes you to cry out to God and surrender the emotion of the moment for the lasting sustenance of knowing Him.
Now imagine the trip if you have surrendered this area of your life. Before you leave for your trip that you are equally excited to take, God helps you prepare. He reminds you that you will need food. He equips you with an umbrella. You are in shape for the long hike and are prepared for obstacles that are bound to occur along the way. Now the excitement of the trip isn't diminished by trials along the way. Now, you have endurance, you're prepared, you're equipped. Now your day trip takes a day. Now you wait to take the trip when you're ready instead of racing ahead of God and the end result isn't hurt and disappointment but Joy and spiritual growth.
We will all have “trips” to take in our life and for the most part we know they are going to happen. Your trip might be a relationship, a job, a move, or children. It can be anything that involves endurance and is benefited by preparation. I encourage you to let God prepare your heart now so that you aren't swept up in the emotion of the moment. In my experience emotions fade and being driven by them only leads to hurt and disappointment. I've had a lot more success being equipped by God and prepared for bumps in the road. My choices aren't driven by a feeling. I seek after God's heart and lean on Him for understanding. The key is seeking after God's heart every day so that when the emotion is upon me, I have the clarity to see God's opinion and act on it accordingly.
God, help me to be patient and focused on growing in my knowledge of your ways before letting my emotions take me on a trip I don't really want to take. I've learned that putting my desire before your desires doesn't work and I don't want anymore hurt in my life as a result of the emotional choices I make. Give me self control, wisdom, and patience Lord. I am so thankful to have the PERFECT guide for my life in YOU. Amen.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Bobby's 80th Birthday
What a nice group of people and an awesome way to celebrate someone you love. I had a great time taking photos at this event. Happy Birthday Bobby!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Senior Pics
Kelsey and I had a fun time taking crazy pictures in downtown PV. Kelsey is a senior this year at Pauls Valley and active in her youth group where she sings in the worship band. She has a lot of personality and I really enjoyed spending an hour (or so) with her. Thanks for trusting me Kelsey and for being willing to try anything. You were a lot of fun to photograph!

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